Hilda Doolittle Portrait at BAPL

Contribute to our campaign to bring a portrait of Hilda Doolittle to  BAPL!

In 2017, we honored Bethlehem’s most renowned literary citizen, the great early 20th century poet Hilda “H.D.” Doolittle, by having the site of her childhood home recognized as a Literary Landmark. Her childhood home just happens to be the same piece of land where the Bethlehem Area Public Library now stands.

And we’re not done with the H.D-honoring!

H.D. deserves a portrait, hung in the library, and we need your help. Help us raise $3,500 to commission this one-of-a-kind work of art honoring this ground-breaking poet. The portrait will be hung proudly in the Main Library of the Bethlehem Area Public Library for all to enjoy.

Watch our video 

Make a donation online

Mail a check to:
Bethlehem Area Public Library
HD portrait fund
11 W. Church St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018